All the typical factors that relate to prosperity are in place in this situation, how the life expectancy for indigenous Australians is approximately 20 years less than that of white Aussies. This is due to higher rates in almost y factor that reduces life expectancy, such as smoking, obesity, and poverty. The long life expectancy is due to the high level of prosperity and the fact that the majority of the population is engaged in office-based work , rather than heavy manufacturing and labor which can reduce lifespans. More than half of the income of the island is from financial services which means desk jobs that pay well — with a small percentage of people employed in heavy industry. Visitors, especially Chinese have contributed to the funds, especially to the recently liberalized gaming industry.
Gambling profits are now responsible for around 70% of the country’s income and the government uses the funds to invest heavily in health care. The government took the appropriate action and Singapore now has top-quality senior healthcare facilities. Apart from the long life expectancy, Singapore’s prosperity is due to the fact that the government realized in the 1980s that there was a growing population. The average age of Singaporeans has increased steadily since then. Switzerland is a stable nation with all the factors that increase longevity such as an energizing diet and high quality health care. Its famous neutrality makes it extremely unlikely that its citizens will die in a conflict. Even though a recession in the late 1990s caused some damage to Sweden’s renowned health and welfare systems, they’re one of the top in the world.
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